Friday, November 6, 2009

In Awe of the Creator

Have you ever stopped in awe or perhaps even amazement of the fascinating and intricate things humans have designed and been able to accomplish? Just the other day Hollie and I were driving back home from a day in Victoria when my mind began to ponder this very question. As I began to think I looked down and noticed my very own iPhone. As an avid Apple person, I've grown very fond of my iPhone. I mean, why not? Not only is this thing a cell phone, but it's a portable calendar, GPS, camera, music player, video player, game system, and internet device. As long as I'm anywhere that I can receive cell phone reception I'm bound to never get bored or lost (as long as I have a charger). I am amazed by my iPhone. This incredibly hip and practical device was completely dreamed up and built by humans. I can't imagine what kind of formulas and prototypes were used to finally come up with the final product.

As I pondered the intricacies of the iPhone, my mind began to think about more and more fascinating things. Take for instance the airplane. It's still difficult for me to wrap my mind around the fact that a metal bird weighing close to (if not at least) a million pounds can somehow get up in the air, fly, and then land safely hundreds or thousands of miles from its original location. Have you ever thought, how is this even possible?? Not only that, but it's pretty much the safest and fastest way to travel. I don't get it! I know there are formulas on aerodynamics and there were plenty of prototypes, but I am still amazed by the airplane. (Jordan factoid: when I fly, I always have to touch the outside of the plane before I get on board.)

After spending what seemed like an hour pondering the great achievements of man, I stopped. I stopped because whenever I find myself amazed at the fascinating and great achievements man has accomplished, it always takes me back to the one that is the master designer; the one that doesn't make prototypes but only final products. When I stand amazed at the latest technology or tallest architecture, I stand in awe of the one who created it all. His name is Jesus. "For by him (Jesus) all things were created, in heaven and on earth...all things were created through him and for him. (Colossians 1:16)" Jesus is the one that designed the formulas and ideas in the minds of the men that created my incredibly intricate iPhone, and Jesus is the one that gave men the ability and know how to fly a giant metal bird in the sky! All this was a result of Jesus. May we never look at another amazing invention or accomplishment without exalting and lifting high the name of Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely Jordan... Twelve years ago, while I was in nursing school, I thought of this very topic as I learned the complexity and intricasies of the human body....and I have continued to remind myself of that when things amaze me. How awesome is our creator!!!
