Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Giving Up...

Do you ever feel like your ready to give up?  You've tried and tried and tried again for the hundredth, thousandth, millionth time, and you're still feeling like you want to give up?  Yeah, that's about how I feel right now.  I feel like I'm finally fed up, ready to give up, and go all in. 

Give up on what you ask? 

I'm ready to give up on trying to live the Christian life my way.  It's kind of like that same feeling David felt when he confesses to God after sleeping with Bathsheba and allowing Uriah, her husband, to be killed.  After David realized he sinned against God, he wrote Psalm 51.  Psalm 51 states, "create in me a clean heart, O God...restore to me the joy of your salvation."  I think David got the fire in his belly again after calling out to God.  He remembered and received the joy that comes from understanding the depth of salvation.  He became glad in God again.

Right now, all that is within me desires to step out of the way, put away my agenda, and let God lead.  That's when I feel the joy and experience the gladness in God.  This world does well to clutter our minds with agendas and to-do lists, but when do we stop and let the God of this world, the Creator and Sustainer of our very own life, make our to-do list?  It's when we are able to do that, the joy and gladness of our salvation return.

How's your joy-o-meter? I'm not talking about being happy and peachy.  Jesus never promises temporal happiness; he only promises everlasting joy!  Are you ready to give up on yourself and let the joy of salvation return?

May we all learn to daily give up on ourselves, and let the joy and gladness of our salvation return.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to your post Jordan! I also get tired of just "living the life". Psalm 51 is one of my favorite psalms b/c it makes me focus on my unclean heart and spirit and also makes me thankful that God will "create a right spirit" in me.

    P.S. Tell Hollie hello! I miss her blogs. :o)
